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Happy Cow 九龍圓方The Grand戲院免費派迷你甜筒

Happy Cow 率先同大家慶祝聖誕節🎅🎄! 我們會到九龍圓方The Grand戲院免費派迷你甜筒🍦,與你過一個甜蜜💕的聖誕節!

日期: 12/22-23
時間: 下午1時至5時
地點: 圓方The Grand戲院
1. 讚好Happy Cow和The Grand戲院的臉書
2. 完成簡單問卷
3. 即可當場獲得迷你甜筒,派完即止


Happy Cow will celebrate Christmas 🎅🎄with you. Come to The Grand Cinema and get 1 FREE mini cone🍦! We can’t wait to share the joy this season!

Date: 12/22-23
Time: 1pm to 5pm
Venue: Elements – The Grand Cinema
*Follow the below steps:
1. Like Happy Cow and The Grand Cinema Facebook
2. Complete the questionnaire
3. Get 1 FREE mini cone on site, first come first serve

#happycowhk #happycowretail #TheGrandCinema #Threate #戲院 #圓方 #Elements #Campaign #Christmas #聖誕節 #Celebration #慶祝 #PartyTime #MiniCone #FrozenDessert #迷你甜筒 #冰凍甜點 #無奶 #DairyFree #無大豆 #SoyFree #無蛋 #EggFree #無麩質 #Gluten #Vegan #素食 #WorryFree #無憂
