Categories: Jetso免費

中環街市 KIN麵 免費送出 300碗麵

「#街市新面孔」KIN麵——召集所有愛吃麵的吃貨!KIN Noodles – For all the #noodlelover out there!​
KIN麵取自粵語諧音——見面,希望KIN麵打造成讓你與好友共聚的場所,一同享受由 KIN Food Halls 為大家搜羅、由KIN大廚精心炮製的各款熱騰騰的亞洲麵食。為慶祝新店開業,於1月16日下星期一更會有免費300碗麵送出,大家記得唔好錯過啦!
KIN Noodles,from KIN Food Halls,offers a collection of the best tasting noodles found by their food hunters! KIN 麵 (KIN Noodles,pronounced as “kin mien” “見面” in Cantonese) is a great place to meet up with friends and share warm hearty noodles from different Asian cultures. On 16 Jan,Monday,300 noodles will be given away to celebrate the grand opening of the new store. Don’t miss it!
大家可以於以下9款麵選擇The following 9 kinds of noodles are available for you to choose from:
湯麵 Soup
台灣有機牛肉麵 Taiwanese Organic Beef Noodle Soup
本地蚵仔台灣麵線 Locally Sourced Taiwanese Oyster Vermicelli Soup
韓式人參走地雞湯叉燒麵 Sam Gae (Ginseng Free-Range Chicken Noodle Soup)
韓式辣海鮮湯麵 Jjampong (Korean Spicy Seafood Noodles)
炒麵 Wok
蝦籽花膠撈麵 Shrimp Roe Fish Maw Over Egg Noodles
檳城潮州炒粿條 Penang Teochew Char Koay Teow
乾炒有機牛河 Stir-Fried Organic Beef Ho Fun
(素食) 乾炒植物素牛河 (Vegan) Stir-Fried Plant-Based Beef Ho Fun
泰式辣有機牛炒河 Phad See Ew with Organic Beef
KIN麵 免費派麵 KIN Noodles Giveaway
時間Time:11:30am起至派發完畢 until we run out sold out
地點Venue:中環食坊G11號舖 Dining Ground,Shop G11
優惠只限外賣自取及堂食。Promotion is available for takeaway and dine in. only.
數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。Quota is limited and are on a first-come-first-serve basis and while stock lasts.
如有任何爭議,中環街市保留最終決定權。In case of any disputes,Central Market reserves the right for final and conclusive decisions.

#華懋集團 #ChinachemGroup #中環街市 #CentralMarketHK #PlaygroundForAll #親動融 #Approachable #Energetic #Gregarious #中環新地標 #NewLandmarkCentral #kinnoodles #kinfoodhalls #noodlelover #noodles #noodle #noodlesoup #noodleslover #noodleworship #slurp

資料來源:中環街市 Central Market
